1. Have a plan
The key to having a successful workout, is having a plan of what you’re going to do before you start. Having a plan will give your workout structure and make it more efficient, and makes it less tempting to just do 2 exercises and call it a day!
Plans can come in many shapes and forms, there are plenty of free plans online, although it will be hard to know which of them will be suitable and effective for you personally. If it is within your budget, it’s totally worth hiring a good certified personal trainer to make a plan that is tailored specifically for your needs
2. Equipment
First off, you don’t need any equipment to get a great workout in! If you are just beginning working out, adding in some walks or jogs to your week could be a great place to start! There are tons of different bodyweight only workout you can do – including yoga, pilates, strength workouts and cardio.
If you have a membership at a gym/ or maybe one in your apartment building, I recommend you begin with bodyweight exercises, or with dumbbells. Dumbbells are super versatile and an easy way to add weight to basic exercises. Using dumbbells are opposed to machines also helps to recruit more muscles for each movement, for example while doing a squat as opposed to a seated leg press, as you are standing and your core muscles are having to stabilize the body.
3. Exercises
You don’t need to do a ton of exercises to get a good workout. Personally, for a full body workout, I like to include 5 basic movement patterns to recruit all the large muscle groups in the body
- A push
- A pull
- A squat
- A hinge
- And a lunge
An example for a workout using dumbbells and these 5 movement patterns could look like this:
- Dumbbell over head press 3 sets of 12 repetitions
- Dumbbell bent over row 3×12
- Dumbbell box squat 3×12
- Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 3×12
- Dumbell alternating lunges 3×10 each leg
An example using bodyweight only:
- Push ups 3×10
- Supermans 3×12
- Bodyweight squat 3×12
- Good mornings 3×12
- Walking lunges 3×10 each leg
4. Find what you like
Really the most important thing when it comes to working out is finding that you enjoy and can stick to! If hardcore weight lifting isn’t your thing, no problem! Maybe yoga or bike riding is more your style, and that’s great! I will recommend that you do include both some sort of resistance exercise and a form or cardio vascular exercise for your overall health and well being.
5. Consistency is Key
Working out is a marathon, not a sprint. It will take consistent effort over a long period of time. Maybe start with walking 3 days a week and build up from there. Once you find what exercise you like, schedule out time for it, maybe you do 2 strength workouts a week, 2 runs a week and a fun hike on the weekend with your friends, making it a habit comes with repetition. I promise that eventually you’ll start to miss it if you don’t work out!

Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash
I hope this gives you’re the groundwork to feel confident to start working out, whatever that looks like for you! The most important thing is to get moving! IF you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!
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